photo: Manu Theobald

photo: Manu Theobald

written by me

outside of time | inside the sound [dissertation colloquium presented for the degree of PhD at Harvard University, May 6, 2019]

Dragging the Sound: The Locus of Substance in DRIFT MATTER for Solo Cello in New Music and Aesthetics in the 21st Century Vol. 9: Substance and Content in Music Today (Mahnkopf, Cox, Schurig editors). Published by Wolke Verlag. [August, 2014]

Listening Through the Fractal: The Anatomy of Density in Three Recent Pieces in "The Second Century of New Music: Search Yearbook Volume 1" (Cox, Brió, Sigman, Takasugi, editors). Published by the Edwin Mellen Press. [August, 2011]

Instrumental Mechanism and Physicality as Compositional Resources [thesis for the MPhil degree at the University of Huddersfield, September, 2010]

"...written asunder...": An Interview with Richard Barrett on Opening of the Mouth - Published in the CeReNeM Journal [February, 2010]


tender contingencies - interview with / portrait by Ty Bouque [October, 2023]

Multiphonic-a-Day Episode 19 - Interview with bassoonist Ben Roidl-Ward on my piece BODY MATTER [April, 2020]

Episode V: Timothy McCormack - Interview with Composer OverTime podcast [March, 2019]

Interview with Zach Sheets of the [Switch~ Ensemble] [February, 2019]

Interview & portrait film with Johannes List as part of the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation Composers' Prize [May, 2018]

Timothy McCormack : music on a geologic scale - interview with David Leone on Musica Kaleidoskopea [January, 2018]

Forcing the catastrophe: An interview with Timothy McCormack - Interview with Robert Dahm on Sound is Grammar [July, 2010]

10 for ‘10: Timothy McCormack - Profile & interview with Tim Rutherford-Johnson on The Rambler [February, 2010]

written by others

Urgent Attention: A profile of composer Timothy McCormack - VAN Magazine, Jeffrey Arlo Brown [March, 2024]

KARST by Tim Rutherford-Johnson, written to accompany my portrait CD on KAIROS [June, 2020]

Timothy McCormack: Earth, dancing by Tim Rutherford-Johnson, written for the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation Composers' Prize 2018

Performing complexity : theorizing performer agency in complexist music by Liam Hockley. DMA Dissertation. University of British Columbia [December, 2018]

Neue Reisen ins Innere des Klangs: Mikrovirtuosität in der Musik von Timothy McCormack, Farzia Fallah und Yasutaki Inamori by Rainer Nonnenmann. Published in MusikTexte [February, 2018]

Towards a Figural Paradigm in Music: Capture of Forces and Logic of Sensation in Geometries de l'abime (LeBlanc), In Vivo (Cendo), and The Restoration of Objects (McCormack) by Jimmie LeBlanc in The Dark Precursor: Deleuze and Artistic Research. Published by Leuven University Press. Paulo de de Assis & Paolo Giudici, editors. [March 15, 2018]

A Note to Index the Entire Weight of the Piece: A Conversation with trombonist Weston Olencki about Timothy McCormack’s HEAVY MATTERFOCI Arts [Published August 30, 2015]

From body schema to score: creating spatial grammars in contemporary electric guitar practice. Daryl Buckley. PhD Dissertation. RMIT University. Melbourne, Australia [2015]

The Techniques of Violin Playing (Irvine Arditti & Robert HP Platz). Published by Bärenreiter (The chapter on tablature references The Restoration of Objects). [2013]